2010年6月15日 星期二

My Opinion toward Betel Nut Beauties

When you drive along the street, you would probably see some spicy girls wearing bikini and sit in a transparent store. They are not prostitutes who try to use their charming appearance to attract man to sleep with them; they are Betel Nut Beauties who sell betel nuts and some drinks or cigarette.

These Betel Nut Beauties use their shining stores and charming image to attract the possible customers, who are mostly trunk drivers or workers, to come to their store and buy their products. They actually don’t do anything illegal, however, their wearing sometimes cause them some troubles.

For instance, some men with bad intention might go to the betel nut shops to molest these betel nut beauties. Some police officers might go to these betel nut beauties and ask them to wear more clothes since their spicy wearing and the way they greet the customers might have negative influence on the passing by teenagers. What’s more, it is the betel nut beauties’ actions and wearing that make the parents or other conservative groups of people in this society see them in negative points of views.

I believe that most of these betel nut beauties simply try to use their charming body images to attract more customers to go to their shops. They don’t do anything to disturb others’ lives. Sometimes these betel nut beauties can even be helpful for those who lose their way when driving.

In my opinion, there’s noting wrong for these betel nut beauties sell betel nuts with their attractive appearance. However, they need to keep in mind that their actions can be seen by not only the customers but also the teenagers or even younger generations. If the betel nut beauties only wear few clothes, they might get themselves into dangerous situations since some criminals might see them as easier attack targets.

It’s hard for those who have prejudice toward betel nut beauties to change the way they see these spicy girls. However, they need to keep in mind that their actions can be seen by not only the customers but also the teenagers or even younger generations. Perhaps they can try to put on more clothes and avoid doing some controversial actions so that they won't get themselves into great trouble.

